One of the challenges in regards to tracking down positive coronavirus cases is people who are asymptomatic. This is one of the reasons why the city is hoping to test as many people as possible.

City leaders set up a free testing site downtown Friday afternoon where they were able to test hundreds of people. The city's total number of positive cases increased for three weeks straight before finally seeing a decline this week. Worcester has now exceeded 5,600 total cases of the virus since March. Doctor John Broach says when it comes to COVID-19, people who are asymptomatic may not even know they are carriers, therefore having the potential of spreading it to whoever they come in contact with. And with such uncertainty, he says the city's free testing is something people should take advantage of.

"I think this type of asymptomatic testing is really important all over the commonwealth. This is part of the Stop the Spread Initiative that is a state initiative. In places that we really want to make sure we have a handle on what the overall prevalence rate of the virus is, especially among asymptomatic individuals, that's what this type of testing is about. The key is to know if you're positive, even if you don't have symptoms. And then to make sure you're staying away from others, monitoring your own symptoms, making sure you don't become symptomatic or ill, and seeking medical attention if you do," Broach says.

Doctor Broach says the city has another round of testing for people coming this week, and expects similar events to take place for the foreseeable future. You can find info on free testing on the state's website. Residents are still urged to continue wearing face coverings and to social distance no matter how the data is trending. ​